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10k Run

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Grizzycanuck Completes the Tough Mudder Race, Whistler

June 23, 2012

Tough Mudder

By Greg Rizzardo, aka Grizzycanuck (#28923)

Climbing over the seven foot wall to get into the starting chute, I looked around at my team of five, and wondered if we would have what it took. The Tough Mudder holds itself out as the toughest event on the planet, and this event in the Callaghan Valley promised to present a combination of the usual 12 mile runs, 20-25 obstacles, with the added benefit of winter conditions!

GoPro cameras adjusted, the music pumped and the MC got us revved and ready reciting the Mudder Pledge, and then the countdown began. Out of the gates and straight uphill. Within a few miles we were into the classic Tough Mudder obstacle, Arctic Enema. Nothing wakes you up like submerging your head and body in an ice bath with floating blocks of ice and dye! The running continued, mixed in with some climbing walls, mud crawls, and generally muddy and slippery conditions. Thrown in for excitement, there was also some snow running, snow climbing, bushwhacking, and probably the worst obstacle for me, the Snow Ramp. The worry that we would be submerging into the semi-frozen Callaghan lake slowly became a reality as we approached the twenty foot snow slide into the lake. Luckily, the halfway point was marked here, so we're we're able to keep going even though we were frozen!

Running back to the staging area, we hit more walls, mud walks, and the infamous electric eel, where you slide on cold water under barb wire with electrically charged wires hanging down. A bit dicey to say the least! Support tents and signage tell you your progress, but one of the Tough Mudder tricks was also to play with your head, as they claimed the race was 10 miles long, and then brought you back to the start areas where we thought the finish was, only to add 2 miles uphill and back down through intense mud. Finishing the monkey bars and making it through the Electroshock Therapy at the end was almost as great a feeling as putting on that prized orange Tough Mudder headband at the end....the one only available for those that complete the race.

Ultimately, the Tough Mudder was as promised, and my team had what it took. With no timing results, the emphasis is really on teamwork, camaraderie , and challenging yourself. Although some obstacles were different than initially planned, I'm sure the local terrain plays into the design of each race. Support, medical, and food and water were present throughout the course. Overall, very well organized. Would I do it again?.........I'm already signed up for next year!


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